Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sail the Salmon Seas

Attempt number 1 at making my own lox came out just ok.

The Recipe:

-Start with fresh Salmon - the fattier the better
-Place Salmon on a plate and cover all sides with salt
-Leave in Refrigerator for 24 hours. Drain the water off the plate.
-Leave in Refrigerator for another 24 hours. Drain water off the plate.
-Wrap salmon in tin foil and leave it in the freezer for 48 hours.
-Slice off the piece you want to serve. Defrost that piece for 20-30 minutes until it's soft enough to slice thin.

It tasted delicious when Beau and I tried it, but it is way too salty, to be honest. There was still a good amount of water after the second salting so I actually salted it a third time. This might have been where I went wrong...

I will try again... Trekking through the bacon fields, across the salmon seas, to the mountains of cheese on the distant horizon...